Saturday 28 June 2014

Draft folly

After reviewing the work I had done so far on this project, I realised that this project needed a total re-think.  The 'light bulb' library looks too bulky and awkward to be also aesthetically pleasing.  There is no coherence in structure in the sections I had drawn - it all looks like random buildings thrown together without any real sense of purpose.  Speaking of random, while I was thinking about what I can do with this structure, an idea for a folly popped into my head out of nowhere...

The draft folly above was inspired by the sculpture 'Diamonds' at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra (pictured below).  While this is a piece of art and not architecture, it has many qualities in common with an architectural folly; it serves no functional purpose, is designed purely for aesthetics and draws the viewer's attention to itself and the adjacent buildings.  It is also located in a 'valley' of empty space between the Gallery and the High Court.  

Obviously more detail needs to be added to my SketchUp model, including the addition of a 'structure' for the outside (possibly a lattice) and textures as well as working out how it will relate to the main structure.

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